Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq’s representative calls on Security Council to condemn Iran’s bombing

 Iraq’s representative calls on Security Council to condemn Iran’s bombing

Iraq’s representative in the UN Security Council, Mohamed Bahr Al-Uloom. Photo: Al-Arabiya News

Baghdad ( – Iraq’s representative to the United Nations, Mohamed Bahr Al-Uloom, called on the Security Council on Tuesday to support his country’s sovereignty and condemn the Iranian aggression on Iraq.

Bahr Al-Uloom told the Security Council that the Iranian bombing of Kurdistan region led to the killing of Iraqis and terrified the citizens.

Bahr Al-Uloom indicated that the Iranian Ambassador to Iraq had been handed a protest note against the repeated bombing of Kurdistan region.

Bahr Al-Uloom also called on the Security Council to condemn any foreign aggression from any party against the Iraqi territories.

“No neighbor should treat Iraq as its backyard. No neighbor should be allowed to routinely, and with impunity, violate Iraq’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” UN Special Representative in Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, briefed the Security Council in New York.

Plasschaert statements took place after Iran renewed on Tuesday its bombing of sites in Iraqi Kurdistan.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards announced it carried out six strikes with Qods Mohajer-6 drones, in addition to missile and artillery attacks on sites in mountainous areas northeast of Erbil governorate.

The Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, and President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, stressed on Monday the need to respect Iraq’s sovereignty.

The commander of the Revolutionary Guard ground force, Mohammad Pakpour, announced last week that Iran launched more than 70 ballistic missiles and dozens of drones at more than 40 sites in Kurdistan region, causing dozens of deaths and injuries.

Tehran often bombs areas in northern Iraq where Iranian Kurdish opposition parties and groups are based.

Throughout history, these groups staged an armed rebellion against the Iranian regime but their military activities significantly declined in recent years.

However, these groups still criticize the situation in Iran, and became very active recently.

Tehran’s anger was apparently fueled after these groups published videos on social media of the protests taking place in Iran after the death of the young woman, Mahsa Amini, on September 16, following her arrest by the so-called ‘morality police’.