Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq sends delegation to Tehran over Iranian attacks on Kurdistan

 Iraq sends delegation to Tehran over Iranian attacks on Kurdistan

The Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs Fuad Hussein. Photo: AFP

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fuad Hussein, announced on Tuesday that a high-level Iraqi delegation, headed by the National Security Adviser, will visit Tehran to discuss the Iranian attacks on Kurdistan region.

The Iraqi Parliament mentioned in a statement that the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee discussed with Hussein and other senior officials in the ministry the Iranian attacks on Kurdistan region.

The statement confirmed that talks with the Iranian side will continue by sending an Iraqi delegation to Iran, headed by Qassim Al-Araji, the National Security Adviser.

Hussein stressed that statements of condemnation are no longer sufficient, and the international community must take further steps to put an end to the frequent military aggressions against the Iraqi territories, according to the statement.

Hussein indicated that Iraq submitted a protest note to the United Nations and demanded to put an end to the Turkish and Iranian violations, the statement mentioned.

The United Nations issued a statement condemning the violations and the repeated attacks against the security and sovereignty of Iraq.

Iranian security sources revealed that the attacks of the Revolutionary Guards on Kurdistan stopped after destroying specific targets, and the continuation of the Iranian attacks will depend on the future behavior of the authorities of Kurdistan region.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards announced last Tuesday it launched a new attack using artillery and drones against sites of armed opposition in Kurdistan region in northern Iraq.

Following the continuous bombing of Kurdistan, the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that Kurdistan region has separatist groups threatening Iran’s security, and indicated that it is fully committed to the security and unity of Iraq.

The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Iranian Ambassador to Iraq, and handed him a strongly worded protest note against the repeated bombing of Kurdistan region.

The Iraqi ministry called for respecting Iraq’s sovereignty, abiding by Iran’s commitments stipulated in international covenants, and staying away from military actions in addressing security challenges.

The Iraqi ministry also warned of the repercussions of the Iranian military actions and its impact on social peace for both countries, in addition to its impact on regional security and stability.