Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Indian charge d’ affaires discusses investment opportunities in Basra

BASRA / IraqiNews.com: Indian Charge d’ Affaires in Baghdad discussed on Monday with Basra deputy governor ways of boosting investment cooperation and the possibility to open an Indian consulate in the province, according to official spokesman of the deputy governor. “Deputy Governor Nezar Rabia al-Jaberi discussed on Monday (May 24) with Indian Charge d’ Affaires in Baghdad Abdulmajied Badr ways to strengthen economic and commercial relations between Basra and India,” Nazem al-Jaberi told IraqiNews.com news agency. “The meeting tackled the possibility to open an Indian consulate in Basra as well as historic relations between the two sides,” he added. “The Indian diplomat expressed his country’s desire to implement investment projects in Basra, mainly in oil and reconstruction fields,” he noted. Basra is 590 km south of Baghdad. SH (P) 2