Friday, September 20, 2024


Washington calls on Iran to respect Iraq’s sovereignty

 Washington calls on Iran to respect Iraq’s sovereignty

The U.S. government’s principal Arabic-language spokesperson Samuel Werberg. Photo: Al-Ain News

Baghdad ( – The U.S. government’s principal Arabic-language spokesperson, Samuel Werberg, accused Iran of financing terrorism and militias, describing its attacks on Kurdistan as ‘unjustified.’

Werberg said in a statement that there is no justification for the terrorist missile attacks on the Kurds and the Iraqi people.

Werberg highlighted that the United States urges Iran repeatedly to stop these missile and bloody attacks against the Iraqi people, and urges it to respect the sovereignty of Iraq as a neighboring country, and the time has come to stop the attacks.

Werberg stressed that the United States does not see any justification for the Iranian attacks, noting that the Iraqis, including those living in Kurdistan region, have the right to live in peace and security without these attacks on the borders.

Werberg emphasized that the United States will do everything possible and continue to communicate to stop the attacks.

Werberg stated that the United States respects the sovereignty of Iraq and will not impose a solution by putting pressure on Iraqi officials.

Werberg clarified that that the Iranian government must engage in a diplomatic discussion with officials in Erbil and Baghdad, and it must recognize the sovereignty of Iraq.

Werberg also expressed his regret over the Iranian interference in neighboring countries by funding terrorism and militias for years, noting that Tehran is currently practicing repression against the Iranians.

“These destabilizing activities are not surprising to the United States,” Werberg said, referring to reports about Iranian-Russian coordination regarding missiles and drones provided by the Revolutionary Guards to Moscow.

The Revolutionary Guards launched attacks on Monday using Iranian drones on areas in Erbil governorate in Kurdistan region, killing and wounding ten people, amid local and international condemnation of these attacks.