Friday, September 20, 2024


Azerbaijan announces an increase in trade exchange with Iraq

 Azerbaijan announces an increase in trade exchange with Iraq

A meeting between Iraqi and Azerbaijani officials. Photo: Azernews

Baghdad ( – The Azerbaijani embassy in Iraq revealed on Tuesday the volume of trade exchange with Iraq in 2022, and the memorandums of understanding between the two countries, according to the Iraqi News Agency (INA).

The Azerbaijani ambassador to Iraq, Nasir Mammadov, mentioned in a statement that the trade exchange between Azerbaijan and Iraq reached approximately 11 million USD in 2020, and increased to 24 million USD in 2021.

Mammadov noted that the volume of trade exchange during 2022 increased by about 30 percent compared to the previous years.

Mammadov stressed the need to organize a joint conference between Iraqi and Azerbaijani businessmen to increase the volume of trade exchange.

The Azerbaijani ambassador noted that a large exhibition will be held in Iraq next year to exhibit Azerbaijani products, and to be an opportunity for the Iraqis to know more about the Azerbaijani products.

Mammadov stated that there is a memorandum of understanding between the two countries to avoid double taxation, and it is ready to be signed between the two sides.