Saturday, September 21, 2024


Babel police detain robbery gang

BABEL / Babel police arrested on Wednesday six persons, including a woman, for their involvement in killing and robbing citizens, according to Babel police chief. “Police forces formed a specialized unit to deal with the recent robbery and killing operations in the province in the past three months,” General Fadel Radad told news agency. “The gang is led by Raed al-Alwani, who is the son of Jawad al-Abiefas, who is accused of killing so many civilians in the 1991 uprising,” he added. “Their confessions led the police to unearth several corpses from a cemetery near the gangster’s house in al-Bu al-Wan village, north of Hilla,” he said. Hilla, the capital of Babel, lies 100 km south of Baghdad. SH (P) 133