Saturday, September 28, 2024


Al-Qaeda prison escapee arrested

BAGHDAD / A security force from northern Iraq’s Ninewa Province has arrested an Emir (prince) of Al-Qaeda Organization, who escaped from Badush Prison in Talafar city, north of Mosul, a security source said on Thursday. “A Rapid Response Force in Ninewa Province has arrested Fakhri Abbas, an emir’s of Al-Qaeda Organization, who had escaped from Badush Prison. He was captured in an air-landing operation in Talafar, 60 km to the northwest of Mosul,” the security source added. “The escaped prisoner had been serving life-imprisonment in Badush Prison,” he stressed, adding that the prisoner had been among 23 prisoners who escaped from Mosul‘s Ghizlani Prisoner last April. The mass break-out caused the detention of all policemen in charge of the prison pending investigation,” the security source explained. Another 140 prisoners managed to escape from Badush Prison in March, 2007. A large number of them have been arrested in joint operations by the Iraqi troops and the U.S. forces. Mosul, and other townships surrounding it had witnessed strict security measures, where names and photos of escaped prisoners were distributed to facilitate their arrest. SKH (S)/SR 1