Friday, September 20, 2024


World Economic Forum Founder, President hail Iraqi President’s participation

 World Economic Forum Founder, President hail Iraqi President’s participation

The Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid during his participation in the World Economic Forum. Photo: Iraqi Presidency

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi President, Abdul Latif Rashid, received a letter of gratitude from the World Economic Forum’s founder, Klaus Schwab, and President, Borge Brende, for his active participation in the annual meeting recently held in the Swiss city of Davos, according to a press statement issued by the Iraqi Presidency.

Schwab and Brende hailed Rashid’s leadership and the positive impact it had on the annual meeting, the statement mentioned.

They appreciated his proposals on modernizing the economy, reforming the public sector, supporting the private sector and advancing collaboration with Iraq’s neighbors, the statement elaborated.

“We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your active participation in the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023, held under the theme of Cooperation in a Fragmented World,” the letter mentioned.

“We truly appreciate your leadership and the positive impact it has had on the Annual Meeting,” Schwab and Brende wrote in their letter to Rashid.

“Your remarks during the penal on Arab Economies Converging were particularly well received by participants. They valued your emphasis on modernizing the economy and reforming the public sector, supporting the private sector and advancing collaboration with Iraq’s neighbors,” Schwab and Brende explained in their letter.

“Your remarks provided significant insights into your government’s plans for the year ahead,” Schwab and Brende added.