Friday, September 20, 2024


“Terrorist” network dismantled in Baghdad – BOC

BAGHDAD / Security forces of the Baghdad Operations Command dismantled a “terrorist” network in the eastern Baghdad area of Zayouneh on Sunday, according to a statement published on the BOC web site. “A force from the federal police 1st Division dismantled a terrorist network of the self-styled Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) in Zayouneh, where it seized a large weapons cache inside a house,” read the BOC statement. “The cache contained 10 Kalashnikov assault rifles, 10 improvised explosive devices (IEDs), a mortar shell of 82 mm. caliber, a bag of iron balls, two bags of TNT, two plastic charges, eight thermal bombs, one bag of BKC, 200 kilograms of ammonia nitrates and two flags of the so-called ISI,” it added. “It also contained 20 hand-grenades, 50 nine-volt batteries, a pair of scales, two guns of 9 mm. caliber, and 25 timers,” the statement read. The BOC had revealed that security agencies seized a large weapons cache in Zayouneh in addition to several explosive belts ready for detonation. AmR (P) 2