Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Iraq signs contract to import 310,000 tons of rice

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: Iraq‘s General Company for Cereals Imports announced on Thursday the signing of a contract to import 310,000 tons of rice from different international supply states to secure the country’s needs for rice until the end of the current year. “Our Company has signed a contract to import 310 thousand tons of rice to cover the needs of Iraq until the end of this year, in order to distribute it within the State’s Ration List for Iraqi citizens,” the Company’s Spokesman, Amer Abul-Aziz told IraqiNews.com. He said the Company had laid a complete plan to receive the current season’s rice crop, according to the instructions of the Company, i.e. through the formation of four central committees to receive them in each province. Abdul-Aziz also said that the prices of local rice crops for this year has reached 700,000 Iraqi dinars for each ton of the first grade and 650,000 dinars for each ton of the second grade. SKH/SR 1