Friday, September 20, 2024


Baghdad International Fair opens with Prime Minister Maliki’s presence

BAGHDAD / The 37th Session of the Baghdad International Fair was opened here today, with the presence of Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and participation of 1,200 companies from 80 states, including some of the largest international companies in the fields of economy, agriculture, trade, industry and communications and information technology means. The opening of the Fair took place less than 24 hours from terrorist acts that reigned the Iraqi capital, where as security sources told News Agency that a group of armed men attacked the Baghdad Stock Market, followed with another attack kon the Christian Sayidat al-Najat Church in central Baghdad’s Karrada distric, in two operations that claimed the lives of dozens of people and injured more than 50 others. The Fair’s enauguration ceremony was also attended by a number of Iraqi officials, including the Government Spokesman, Ali al-Dabbagh, Acting Trade Minister Safuddin al-Safi, Baghdad Governor Salah Abdul-Razzaq and other leading political and government officials. SKH 1