Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Southern Iraq’s Grand Faw Terminal’s Project to 150,000 people:

BAGHDAD / IraqiNews.com: Southern Iraq‘s Grand Faw Terminal’s project, recently approved by the Council of Ministers, shall provide employment opportunities for 150,000, according to a legislature of the National Coalition on Sunday. “The Grand Faw Terminal, approved by the Council of Ministers in 2004, is considered one of the most important projects that can achieve revenues in billions (b) of dollars for Iraq, in addition to providing 120,000 temporary employment opportunities and 30,000 permanent opportunities,” Hussein al-Assadi told IraqiNews.com news agency. “The project can achieve revenues with billions (b) of dollars, being a gigantic project that must gain attention,” Assadi said, adding that the project would help the Iraqi State to put an end to unemployment and provide employment opportunties for graduates in particular and ordinary citizens in general. The Grand Faw Terminal project covers an area of 14 millions and 673,000 square metres, with a depth ranging from 15 to 17 metres, whilst the period of its completion would continue till 2028. The project is being implemented by an Italian consortium, in cooperation with the Projects Implementation Company in the Ministry of Transportation, for an investment cost reaching 4 billion (b) Euros. SKH 39