Friday, September 20, 2024


WFP cooperate with Trade Ministry to reform Public Distribution System

 WFP cooperate with Trade Ministry to reform Public Distribution System

The headquarters of the Ministry of Trade. Photo: Dar Al-Hilal

Baghdad ( – The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) signed a Letter of Cooperation with the Iraqi Ministry of Trade to formalize their collaboration to reform the Public Distribution System (PDS) in Iraq, according to a statement issued by the WFP.

By signing the Letter of Cooperation, the WFP and the Trade Ministry commit to providing access to a comprehensive, inclusive, shock-responsive, and end-to-end digitalized Public Distribution System, the statement mentioned.  

The joint goal is to ensure that no one is left behind and that vulnerable groups, including children, youth, women, the elderly, and people with disabilities inside Iraq will benefit from the reform in the Public Distribution System, the statement explained.

The WFP and the Iraqi Ministry of Trade successfully introduced end-to-end digitalization in the governorate of Najaf in record time, and are currently preparing to scale it up in other parts of Iraq, gradually moving towards a reformed PDS in Iraq, the statement elaborated.

The WFP and the Trade Ministry aim to incorporate the results of this collaboration towards integration with the Single Registry platform, the statement clarified.

As part of its strategic support to the Iraqi government, the WFP has been providing technical assistance bringing in best practices to ensure citizens have improved access to social protection, the statement illustrated.

In addition to building the capacities of the staff in the Trade Ministry, the WFP supported the government by providing equipment and increasing public awareness of the PDS reform, the statement added.