Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq produces 184 pharmaceutical products

 Iraq produces 184 pharmaceutical products

A pharmaceutical production line in Samarra Pharmaceutical Factory. Photo: Samarra Pharmaceutical Factory

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi Minister of Health, Saleh Al-Hasnawi, announced on a Wednesday a long-term project to localize the pharmaceutical industry in Iraq.

Al-Hasnawi indicated that the number of medicines manufactured in Iraq increased during the past two months to 184 products, revealing that contracts worth 800 billion dinars (nearly 548 million USD) have been signed to import other medicines.

The Minister stated that the shortage of medicines is a dilemma the health sector has been suffering from for 30 years, the Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported.

Al-Hasnawi explained that contracts signed to provide medicines and medical supplies awaiting approval of the budget, adding that the ministry is working to avoid shortages in medicines through direct purchase from national factories.

The Iraqi official elaborated that the most important means of providing medicines in the world is the national industry, pointing out that the number of medicines manufactured in Iraq rose to 184, after it was only 132 products two months ago.

“50 percent of the pharmaceutical needs are expected to be manufactured in Iraq in the coming years, and this will help patients receive medicines in an efficient and easier way,” Al-Hasnawi said.

The Health Minister added that the main goal of providing medicines and medical supplies within a long-term project is to localize the pharmaceutical industry in Iraq.