Friday, September 27, 2024


Gang arrested for murdering civilian in Kirkuk

KIRKUK / The Rania district police of the Kurdish city of Sulaimaniya arrested a gang on charges of murdering a civilian and stealing his vehicle in al-Debis district, west of Kirkuk, according to a senior security official on Saturday. “The Kurdish security asayesh department in Rania district notified the Kirkuk Districts Police Department that they arrested a gang of three persons on Friday night on charges of stealing a vehicle after murdering its driver in Debis, (45 km) west of Kirkuk,” KDPD Director Brig. Sarhad Qader told news agency. “The KDPD personnel found the victim’s body and removed it to the Azadi Kirkuk Hospital morgue,” Qader added. The oil-rich Kirkuk, a city of mixed Kurdish, Arab and Turkmen population, lies 250 km northeast of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. AmR (P)/SR 2