Saturday, September 21, 2024


Urgent: Explosion in Najaf targets 3 buses, carrying Iranian visitors

NAJAF / A strong explosion has taken place in the old Shiite holy city of Najaf, aimed at three buses carrying Iranian visitors, caused by a booby-trapped car, eyewitnesses said on Monday. “A booby-trapped car blew up close to three buses carrying Iranian visitors in the street of the old Shiite holy city of Najaf,” they said, adding that the blast took place in the street leading to the shrine of Imam Ali bin Abi-Taleb at the city center and close to the offices of the two Shiite Clergymen, Bashir al-Najafi and al-Fayadh. Meanwhile, the Iraqi official sources failed to report the losses caused by the blast, estimated to exceed dozens, killed or wounded. SKH/SR 1