Saturday, September 21, 2024


Jordan is keen on Iraq’s security, stability, King Abdullah tells Maliki

BAGHDAD / King Abdullah II of Jordan reiterated during his meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Amman Sunday that his country is keen on maintaining Iraq’s security and stability, according to a cabinet statement. “We stress our full support for Iraq and its political process and democracy. The kingdom of Jordan is open in all ways possible for the service of Iraq as we are keen on maintaining Iraq’s security, stability and prosperity as well as broadening cooperation and fraternal ties between the two countries,” King Abdullah was quoted in the statement received by news agency. The two sides discussed during the meeting ways to facilitate movement of citizens between the two countries in addition to cooperation in the field of military training and upgrading Iraqi technicians, it added. Prime Minister Maliki and King Abdullah II held a closed meeting, the statement said. Maliki also met at the Jordanian cabinet headquarters with Prime Minister Samir al-Rifaie in the presence of members of the two delegations to discuss bilateral relations and further them in all economic and trade domains. The Iraqi premier arrived earlier in the Jordanian capital Amman for a one-day visit as the first leg of an Arab and regional tour. Maliki’s one-day visit to Jordan will be followed by a visit to Tehran for talks with Iranian officials. Khalid al-Assadi, a member in Maliki’s Dawlat al-Qanoon (State of Law) bloc, said in statements to that the Iraqi premier will also visit Ankara, Kuwait and Cairo upon previous invitations he had received prior to the March 7 legislative elections. AmR (S) 1