Sunday, September 22, 2024


Leading Member of Al-Iraqiya bloc demands investigation of Wikileaks report

BAGHDAD / Safia al-Suheil, Leading Member of Al-Iraqiya bloc, lead by former Prime Minister, Iyad Allawi, has called on Sunday for opening investigation to confirm facts about the so-called Wikileaks report, charging the Iraqi government with having involved in “torture operations” in Iraq prisons. “We condemn all the human rights violations in all previous and current regimes. And I confirm that the previous violations can’t justify today’s violations, which can’t justify the previous violations. We have to look into the nature of those documents, to make sure of their correctness,” Suheil told News Agency. The Wikileaks Electronic position had published secret documents related to the Iraqi war, charging Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, with having led special forces getting orders from him in person, believed to have been carrying “genocide” acts against Sunni Arabs, pointing out that the American side had “ignored” cases of torture and violations that took place in Iraqi prisons. Suheil went on saying that: “we, being an Iraqi side, everybody knows through movements of the government, represented by the Human Rights Ministry, Justice Ministry and the Prime Minister‘s office, we face several violations, especially those carried out in (north Baghdad’s) Abu-Ghuraib Prison, Black-Water’s Scandal and measures taken in checkpoints, along with several Iraqi families, such acts have become clear and known for everybody.” “We have reaffirmed and followed such acts. So, we have added an article in the Iraqi-US Treaty, reiterating the non-movement of the U.S. forces, till they leave Iraq in 2011,” she added. Suheil also pointed out that “the Iraqi government bears responsibility for investigating the correctness of the said reports, the side that enabled getting such documents, their real motives and goals, as well as their timing.” “We also demand all those who were involved in committing such violations from the Iraqi side, along with paying compensations for all citizens who were harmed by such violatios,” she stressed. As regards to the impacts of the said documents on the chances of Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, to gain another premiership period, Suheil said: “I don’t think that those documents will undermine Maliki’s chances, specially now that the Iraqi people knows that the media fuss, created by some media sources, aim at using them for political motives against certain personalities.” SKH/SR 1