Sunday, September 29, 2024


Civil Society Organization: “We won’t be satisfied by parliament session, but insist to form govt.”

BAGHDAD / The Chairman of Iraq’s Peace & Solidarity Organization, has warned on Monday that the civil society organizations in the country won’t be satisfied with decision of Iraq’s Federal Court, which obliged the Parliament to resume its opening session, vowing that “they would step up pressure for the acceleration of forming the new government,” whilst an Iraqi legal expert said that the extensionof the said session stands counter to the Constitution. “The Court’s decision represents the crowning of the activity of the social society organizations regarding the possibility of being a main participant in building a civil State,” Kamel Med‘hat said, adding that those organizations won’t be satisfied by the decision, but would step up pressure to acclerate the formation of the government afer holding the first session of the Parliament. “The decision was issued according to the constition, regarding the delay of the government’s formation, and there is no chance before the winning blocs that would meet in Kurdistan soon, but to reach an understanding for the formation of a national participation government,” he added. The Supreme Federal Court had issued a decision on Sunday, abiding the Parliament’s Speaker of the Oldest Age, Fuad Maasoum, to call for the resumption of the Parlilament’s session to select a speaker for the parliament and his two assistants. on his part, the Legal Expert, Ismail Alwan, told News Agency that “the decision of the Federal Court is obliged, according to the Constitution is abiding and in case its non-implementation, the Iraqi Punishment Law will punish for that, and even the Old Speaker of the Parliament is abided to implement the decision..And I don’t think that anybody will not dare not to implement it.” “Article 54 of the Constitution had reiterated that the extension of the period, which is 15 days, being the constitutional timing confirming non-extension of the period,” he said, adding that “there are other constitutional timings that bear extension, such as Article 140 and the constitutional adjustments made on it, such as the selection of the president or the assignment of the prime minister..But this article was led by the legislator as a corner-stone for the launching of the constitutional operation in Iraq.” As regards to the delay of the issuance of the Federal Court regarding the session, Aboud said: “the court can’t act by itself without expressing a case for a conflict..And, as nobody had present such case during the past period, I, being a citizen first and a legal man second, have presented such case.” He justified the presentation of the case as “an issue that can’t tolerate further delay, because the democratic process is threatened and the security situation can’t bear further surprises..That is why I initiated to present a case before the Federal Court.” SKH 1