Friday, September 20, 2024


Son of Iraq’s former Deputy PM, Tareq Aziz, says he demanded his burial in Jordan if executed

BAGHDAD / The son of Iraq‘s former Deputy Prime Minister during former President Saddam Hussein‘s regime, sentenced to death early this week, said on Saturday he has demanded his burial in Jordan in the even of his execution or death in his Iraqi prison. “My father, Tareq Aziz, has demanded his lawyer that, in the event of his execution or his sudden death, to be buried in Jordan, describing him as ‘the son of Iraq, who had served his homeland for years, but he is afraid that his grave would be dug after his burial in Baghdad,” Ziad Tareq Aziz told Jordanian Al-Ghad newspaper. He also said that he possessed documents about his father’s opposition for the invasion of Iraq‘s neighboring Kuwait by Saddam Hussein‘s regime that took place in the 1990s, adding that the CIA had offered Aziz a suggestion to cooperate with it during his visit to the Vatikan before the 2003 war against Iraq, but his father had received the offer. The Supreme Iraqi Criminal Court had sentenced Tareq Aziz last week, together with former Interior Minister, Saadoun Shaker and Saddam’s Leading Secretary, Abed Hamid Hmoud, under charges for having behind the liquidation of Iraq‘s religions parties during Saddam’s regime. About his last visit for his father before is execution sentence, Ziad said he had known that he had been suffering from a brain attack and he had been treated well due to his health condition. Tareq Aziz, 74, had been the only Christian in Saddam Hussein‘s ruling team and had surrendered to the U.S. fores on April 24, 2003, after their invasion of Iraq early that month. He had also been sentenced to 15 years, under charges of having carried “anti-human crimes,” in a case of executing 24 Iraqi merchanges in 1992, under charges of playing with prices of essential commodities of Iraq, along with another 7-years imprisonment under chages with having shared in compulsory immigration Iraq‘s Feyli Kurds in Kirkuk and Diyala Provinces in the 1980s. SKH 1