Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq’s Supreme Islamic Council Rep. calls PM Maliki “not to lay obstacles before holding Round Table meeting.”

BAGHDAD / A leader in the Supreme Islamic Council has called on outgoing Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, “not to lay obstacles before holding a Round Table meeting, called by Kurdistan President Massoud Barzani, to gather the political forces, scheduled to convene later in the day. “The motive of Barzani’s initiative is to settle the suspended issues and to select a new prime minister, a president and a parliament, because the assignment of a prime minister was not settled for the interest of Nouri al-Maliki,” Juma al-Atwani told He also said that “the olding of the Round Table shall also lead to open the horizons for a national consensus and strival to achieve a national consensus, presenting guarantees o achieve political reforms and response towards the demands of al-Iraqiya bloc’s and the Kurdistan Coalition’s demands.” Kurdistan President, Massoud Barzani, had announced his initiative to settle the current political crisis on 16/9/2010, comprising the formation of an 8-12 member committee, representing different political forces to discuss their suspended differences, discuss the formation of a national-partnership government, as well as the settlement of the issue of the three leading State posts, whilst the initiative was scheduled to be held in Baghdad today (Sunday). As regards to the meeting, scheduled to be held in Baghdad later in the day, in preparation for the Summit meeting for the politial leaders, scheduled to held in Arbil soon, Atwani said: “The Supreme Islamic Council shall attend the Round Table meetings, in response for President Barzani’s initiative, in order to bring viewpoints of all political forces closer and put an end for their fears and response for their constitutional demands.” Atwani expressed conviction that “if al-Iraqiya Coalition won’t participate in the new government, it shall step up the situation and to open an international investigation towards Wikileaks documents and to present those involved in such violations to the judicial authorities, thing that shall open the way for exposing the new government towards violent shakes,” expecting that “al-Iraqiya’s absence from the new government, would create similar fears by the Kurds towards implementing their demands related to the areas in conflict.” As regards to reports about the split of the Secretary-General of of Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amery, from Shahid Al-Mihrab (Martyr of Mihrab) trend, comprising the Supreme Islamic Council, Atwani said: “Hadi al-Amery is member of the Central Shoura Commission in the Supreme Islamic Council, being a main participant in the decision-making center.” SKH 1