Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq’s VP supports Saudi Monarch’s initiative, calls political leaders not to surpass occasion

BAGHDAD / Iraq‘s outgoing Vice-President and leader in Al-Iraqiya Coalition, Tareq al-Hashimy, has expressed support for the initiative of Saudi King Abdullah Bin-Abdul-Aziz, calling on Iraq‘s political leaders to meet in Riyadh, to discuss their differences, and not to “lose such an opportunity.” “Though we haven’t seen the details of the said initiative and had not officially received it, but we welcome the call of the Servant of the Two Holy Shrines (Saudi King),” Hashimy said in an urgent message, copy of which was received by Hashimy said that the Saudi Monarch‘s initiative “had come in the right time, and it became necessary after the failure of oefforts exerted by the Iraqi political blocs that won Iraq‘s nationwide elections that took place on March 7th last, over the past months to reach a national consensus that facilitates the mission of forming a government of national-partnership and national consensus.”. “I appreciate the initiative of the Servant of the Two Holy Shrines (Saudi King) and I think that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is efficient enough to play such role, because it possesses a good record in this respect,” he said, in a signal for the Taif Conference that led towards a solution for the Lebanese crisis,” he added. Dr. Hashemy also wished “success for the Saudi initiative,” expressing hope that it “receives response by different political forces in Iraq,” calling on them “not to lose such an opportunity.” In conclusion, Hashimy also expressed hope that “Iraq‘s neighboring states and all other states concerned by the security and stability of Iraq to support the initiative,” promising that al-Iraqiya Coalition “would send its reply for the iniative, once it receives it.” SKH 1