Sunday, September 29, 2024


Al-Iraqiya welcomes Barzani’s initiative

BAGHDAD / The Al-Iraqiya Alliance welcomes the initiative of Massoud Barzani, the president of the Iraqi Kurdistan region, to accelerate the process of forming the new Iraqi government, q spokesperson of the al-Iraqiya said on Friday. “The Al-Iraqiya bloc strongly welcomes the initiative of his Excellency the President of the Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani, which calls for a meeting between the blocs to end the crisis that Iraq has been experiencing, and to speed up the process of forming the government,” Maysoon al-Damaloji said in a statement as received by the news agency. Barzani’s initiative calls for forming a committee of 8-12 members of all political blocs to start negotiations to form the new Iraqi government. MH (P)/SH 1