Saturday, September 21, 2024


Clinton hails new govt., asserts U.S. is “committed – consistent” partner

BAGHDAD / U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday said that the decision to agree on forming a coalition government is a “milestone” towards a new Iraq. “Iraq’s political leaders have worked together to agree on an inclusive government that represents the will of the Iraqi people and moves their country forward. Today’s coalition decision is a milestone in the emergence of the new Iraq and it is a testament to the determination of the Iraqi people to build their own democracy, a goal only they can achieve,” said Clinton in a State Department statement received by news agency. “This agreement ensures meaningful representation for the election winners, encompassing all of Iraq’s ethnic and sectarian communities. It also includes critical provisions for power-sharing and other reforms, including revisions to the de-Ba’athification process,” she said. “In addition, Iraqi leaders have agreed to establish a National Council on Strategic Policies. This important body will serve as a steering group in the areas of defense policy, foreign affairs, economic policy, and other strategic issues,” she added. Clinton noted that it is now up to this government to deliver on an inclusive, comprehensive agenda that serves all Iraqis and strengthens the country as a whole. “As Iraqis continue their progress, they will have a committed and consistent partner in the United States. Our relationship is rooted in mutual respect and mutual interest. We look forward to expanding our cooperation under the Strategic Framework Agreement and together pursuing our shared goal of building a long-term, multidimensional relationship between our two nations that contributes to growing peace and prosperity in Iraq and security and stability in the Middle East,” she said. AmR (S) 1