Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq to achieve self-sufficiency in gas within 5-7 years

 Iraq to achieve self-sufficiency in gas within 5-7 years

Flames of gas burned in an oilfield in Iraq. Photo: Reuters

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul-Ghani, announced on Sunday that Iraq will achieve self-sufficiency in gas within an estimated period of five to seven years.

“Perhaps there will be a surplus of gas because the government invited tenders for five gas exploration sites producing between 750 and 900 million cubic feet of gas; thus, there are large and promising quantities of gas,” Abdul-Ghani told Rudaw News.

“Iraq, under the Paris Agreement, is committed to investing in gas and stopping gas flaring by 2030, but the Ministry of Oil is keen to accelerate the gas investment process in light of the urgent need for this gas to generate electricity,” the Iraqi Oil Minister added.

“Within five years of activating the contract with TotalEnergies, gas flaring will be stopped in five oil fields,” Abdul-Ghani elaborated.

The Iraqi Minister of Oil indicated that there is a contract signed with a Chinese company to take advantage of gas in the Halfaya oilfield, explaining that 86 percent of the project has been completed.

“The project is expected to be fully completed in the first quarter of 2024 to start producing 300 million cubic feet of gas and stop gas flaring,” Abdul-Ghani clarified.

The Iraqi official added that a gas liquefaction plant is being constructed by Baker Hughes in Dhi Qar governorate in southern Iraq.