Friday, September 20, 2024


President Talabani discusses new cabinet’s formation with Hashimi, Mutlaq – Chalabi

BAGHDAD / Iraq’s President Jalal Talabani has discussed the progress of the political process and the formation of the new Iraqi cabinet with al-Iraqiya Coaliton‘s leaders, Tareq al-Hashimi and Saleh al-Mutlaq, along with the National Coalition’s Leader, Ahmed al-Chalaby, according to a Presidency statement on Monday. “Talabani had discussed on Sunday night with al-Iraqiya Coalition’s Leaders, Tareq al-Hashimi and Saleh al-Mutlaq, the current political situation in the country and the forthcoming missions, on the way of developing the social activity and reiterating the national unity, in order to achieve the country’s progress in all fields,” the statement, copy of which landed in news agency, said. President Talabani, the statement said, that “the political process has achieved significant successes, that shall open broad horizons on the way of the country’s progress in the political, security, economic and development fields, reaffirming necessity to lay the country’s national interest over all other considerations.” “The meeting has discussed the recent developments on Iraq’s political arena and the expected formation of the new cabinet, with the personalities who attended the meeting, had reiterated necessity that the new government becomes an ‘incubator” for all political components, and to become homogeneous and strives to achieve security, stability and vital services for the people, as well as concreting the basis of national reconciliation and harmony in the country,” the statement said. The statement said that President Talabani had discussed with the Chairman of the Iraqi National Congress, aligned under the National Coalition, Ahmed al-Chalaby “the general affairs of the country and the current developments, along with necessity for unifying efforts in the forhcoming phase to develop the current political process and its upgrading.” “President Talabani has also reiterated significance that political leaders would reach a common vision to form a government of national-partnership, which he considered as a victory for the free Iraqi will,” the statement concluded. SKH 2