Saturday, September 21, 2024


Demand to investigate U.S. invasion of Iraq aims to foil political process – minister

BAGHDAD / Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said that the Libyan demand to start an international investigation into the occupation of Iraq by US troops aims to foil the political process, urging the United Nations to reject that demand, according to London-based al-Hayat newspaper. Zebari considered the demand as an unacceptable interference in Iraq’s affairs, noting it aims to foil the political process in Iraq, the newspaper said. “Accepting the Libyan demand contradicts with the international resolutions and threatens Iraq’s security and stability,” the paper quoted the minister as saying. Zebari said that raising the issue would impact negatively on the entire situation in Iraq at a time when efforts to form an Iraqi government are about to succeed. Libya initiated an action through the United Nations General Assembly to adopt a resolution requesting the launch of an international investigation into the occupation of Iraq by U.S. troops and the execution of Saddam Hussein. SH (P) 1