Monday, September 23, 2024


Iran will deal with any political bloc in Iraq – ambassador

BAGHDAD / Iranian ambassador to Baghdad, Hassan Danayeefar, said on Wednesday that his country will deal with any political bloc, which will form the new government, considering the prime minister’s post as an internal affair. “Iran is Iraq’s neighbor and this is a fact and the two states should work with each other within all circumstances,” Danayeefar told Iran’s Mehr news agency. “Arguments on who will lead the government is an internal affair and the Iraqi parties will determine who will become the new premier,” he explained. Regarding the Iranian visitors jailed in Iraq, the ambassador said that the issue included in his agenda and he follows up the issue with the Iraqi officials, noting that Iraq and Iran have reached an agreement in this regard. “The Iraqi government considers the presence of the Iranian rebel group Mujahedeen Khalq Organization (MKO) on its territories as illegal,” he said. MKO, an Iranian opposition group, stationed in Ashraf camp in Diala since 1980’s when the former regime of Saddam Hussein was fighting the Iranian government from 1980 until 1988. SH (S) 1