Saturday, September 28, 2024


Silent demonstration in Ninewa demanding protection of Iraqi Christians

NINEWA / The Christian town of Telkeif in Ninewa province, who took to the streets in a silent demonstration on Wednesday, have demanded the protection of Iraqi Christians and to accelerate the formation of the new government on the basis of national partnership, the town’s Governor said. “Telkeif town, north of Ninewa‘s capital of Mosul, went to the streets in a silent peaceful demonstration, launched by Christians, Muslims, Yezedis, in protest against pinpointing Christians in Baghdad’s Lady of Salvation Church early this week, that claimed the lives and wounded dozens of Christian worshipers,” Bassim Ballo told News Agency. He said the demonstrators have gathered in front of the Governor’s office and read a statement, calling for protection of the Iraqi people and striking anybody who tries to undermine the security of Iraq.” Ballo also said that the demonstrators “have also demanded the acceleration of the formation of the new Iraqi government and filling the security and political vacuum, on bases of national partnership of a unified Iraq, without any conditions by this or that party, in addition to demanding the Iraqi armed forces to confront terrorist attacks and put an end to the current anarchy in the country.” The result of the attack on the Lady of Salvation Church in central Baghdad’s Karrada district, had reached 58 persons killed, including 5 of the attackers and 7 security elements, whilst the rest had been Christian hostages, and the wounded reached 75 persons, among them 15 Army and police men, whilst the rest had been civilians and hostages. Mosul, the capital of Ninewa Province, is 405 km to the north of Baghdad. SKH/SR 2