Sunday, September 22, 2024


Two members of cell, involved in killing Falluja policemen, arrested

ANBAR / Two members of a 6-member cell, involved in carrying out armed attacks and assassinations against policemen have been arrested in Falluja city in west Iraq’s Anbar Province, the city’s police director said on Monday. “The two men, who are part of a six-member cell, involved in several crimes against policemen and officers, two of whom were killed in Falluja’s Falahat area few days ago, have been arrested following intelligence information,” Brigadier Mahmoud Issawi told news agency. He said that “search operations continued to arrest the remaining four members of the said cell, involved in armed attacks against civilians and the assassination of a number of police officers and policemen over the past few weeks.” Falluja, the largest city of Anbar, is 60 kms to the west of Ramadi, the center of Anbar, 110 kms to the west of Baghdad. AD (A) / SKH/SR 65