Sunday, September 22, 2024


9 wanted men arrested, 2 bombs defused in Falluja

ANBAR / Nine wanted men were arrested and two bombs were defused in eastern Falluja on Wednesday, a police source said. “Acting on a tip-off, security forces waged a wide-scale security operation in several parts of al-Karma district, eastern Falluja, where they arrested nine men, wanted for their involvement in acts of violence,” the source told news agency. “The forces found also a weapons depot in central al-Karma district, which includes 11 missiles, 32 sticky bombs and 6 Katyusha rockets,” he noted. “The depot includes military uniforms, fake official documents and amounts of TNT and C4,” he said. Falluja, the largest city in the predominantly Sunni province of al-Anbar, lies 110 km west of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. SH (P)/SR 69