Saturday, September 21, 2024


Call to exploit border oil field between Iraq – Jordan:

ANBAR / The Chairman of west Iraq Anbar Province’s Council has called on the Iraqi government on Saturday to invest in al-Risha joint oil field with Jordan, and to lay down clear steps to exploit the field. “We call on the Iraqi government and the Oil Ministry to expoit al-Risha Oil Field on the Iraqi side of the joint borders between Iraq and Jordan, being one of the most important oil fields that can be invested under the administration of of Anbar Province’s Council and through the implementation of specialized Iraqi companies in this respect,” Muzhir Hassan told news agency. He said that Iraq‘s share in the joint al-Risha Oil Field with Jordan, is estimated to reach 80%, and Iraq has the right to expoit it through cooperation with the Jordanian government, to be achieved after the approval of the Central Government in Baghdad. “Al-Risha and Ukaz Oil Fields in Anbar are a natural fortune and the Anbar Province’s Council continues to implement industrial and service projects, after the investment of those fortunes by Iraq,” he added. Noteworthy is al-Risha Joint Oil Field with Jordan, is situated close to the Iraqi-Syrian borders, close to the Jordanian borders, stretching to the beginning of the Saudi borders with Jordan. Ramadi, the center of Anbar Province, is 110 kms to the west of Baghdad. GS (A) / SKH 131