Monday, September 23, 2024


Anbar receives ID150b in border outlet revenues for 2010

ANBAR / Al-Anbar received 150 billion Iraqi Dinars (ID) in revenues from border outlets for the year 2010, according to the provincial council’s investment committee chairman on Saturday. “The sum of 150 billion dinars was received in returns from the three border outlets of Turaybeel, al-Tanaf and Arrar for 2010 and was transferred to the province’s coffers,” Muzher Hassan told news agency. “The provincial council has laid plans for projects in the health and service domains, namely sewage and electricity, as part of the sums to be obtained by Anbar from border outlets revenues,” he added. The predominantly Sunni province of al-Anbar lies 110 km west of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. AmR (TP)/SR 638