Monday, September 23, 2024


Iraq’s Former high-ranking officer released after 2 months detention

ANBAR / A high-ranking former Iraqi Air Force officer and his three brothers have been released after two-months detention in Baghdad , according to a statement he gave to news agency on Saturday.   Major-General, Saadoun Tulob al-Jumeily, a former major-general in the Iraqi Air Force, who had held several leading positions after the downfall of the former regime in 2003, had waged several battles against armed organizations in west Iraq’s Falluja city till 2008.   “My detention took place by a force that came from Baghdad , according to an information by the so-called ‘secret informer,’ when I and my 3 brothers were sent to a security center, without knowing the reason for our detention,” Maj-General Jumeily said.   He said that he and his 3 brothers were released and handed over to Falluja police directorate, who released them.   SKH (ST)