Sunday, September 22, 2024


URGENT / Syria reopens its border point with Iraq

ANBAR / Syria has reopened its border point with Iraq at the Iraqi border entrance of al-Qaim, after two months of its closure, a source in Iraq’s Border Command in Anbar Province stated on Saturday.   “The Syrian side has reopened al-Qaim entrance point about an hour ago (Ed: 09:30 GMT), allowing visitors from Iraq to Syria and from Syria to Iraq, to cross the border point walking on foot,” the source said, pointing out the existence of vehicles to carry passengers from both sides.   He said that “the administration of Iraq’s Qaim Border point had been carrying out inspections on passengers with delicacy, securing their non-delay and rendering medical and treatment services in the event that any passenger would suffer from a health problem, while crossing the point from the Iraqi side to Syria and the opposite side.”   Ramadi, the center of Anbar Province, is 110 km to the west of Baghdad.   SKH (TI)/SR 369