Monday, September 23, 2024


Policeman’s father, brother, injured in Falluja blast

ANBAR / The father of an Iraqi policeman and his brother have been injured in a sticking bomb blast against their car in Falluja city of western Iraq’s Anbar Province on Tuesday, a security source reported.   “A sticking bomb blew up on Tuesday inside a civilian car in east Falluja’s Garma village, wounding 2 civilians and causing damage to their car,” the security source said.   He said that the preliminary investigations have pointed out that the attacked car belongs to a policeman, whose father and brother were injured in the attack.   Falluja, the largest city of Anbar Province, is 45 km to the west of Baghdad.   A group of armed men had killed 8 soldiers, including an officer and injured another soldier, in an ambush against an Iraqi Army patrol, west of Anbar early in the day, according to a security source in the Province.   SKH (TI)/SR 607