Sunday, September 22, 2024


Italian officials express support for Iraqi Woman’s Welfare:

ARBIL / The Italian Ambassador to Baghdad has expressed his country’s readiness to support any organization striving to achieve welfare for the women in Iraq, whilst the Assistant Italian Parliament’s Speaker called for supporting the Iraqi woman’s struggle to achieve her rights. The Italilan Ambassador, Jerardo Caranby, representing his government in the Arbil International Conference to support the Iraqi Woman’s Role in building Peace, Tranquility and Questioning, attended by news agency, said that his country “had greatly helped Iraq, allocating about US$2 billions (b) for its reconstruction, committing itself to continue its support for Iraq and its Kurdistan Region. “We also like to work for the interest of the Iraqi people,” he said, expressing “Italy’s wish and preparedness to help any organization that strives to achieve women prosperity in Iraq.” On her part, the Assistant Speaker of the Italian Parliament, Ema Jonino, said in her speech in the conference, said: “our presence here is not to demand concessions, but to achieve the woman’s right and to push the reconciliation, questioning and decent power forward,” adding that the expertise of different states, if joined together, can achieve a better result, because any individual party lacks complete expertise.” The  two-day International Conference on Woman’s Role in Building of Peace,Tranquility and ?Questioning, was opened in Arbil, the capital of north Iraq‘s Kurdistan Region on Thursday, with a large official and civilian presence on international, regional and local participation. IT / SKH 849