Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Saturday, Dec. 25th, official day-off for Christians in Kurdistan:

ARBIL / IraqiNews.com: Christians in north Iraq’s Kurdistan Region shall enjoy a day-off today, Saturday Dec. 25th, on the occasion of the Birthday Anniversary of Jesus Christ, a spokesman for the Kurdistan government said on Friday. “Saturday shall be an official holiday for Christians in Kurdistan Region and they shall enjoy a day-off, while offices will be open for other inhabitants of the Region,”” Kawa Mahmoud told IraqiNews.com news agency. Iraqi Christians, similar to all other world Christians, celebrate the 25th of December of each year, being the birthday anniversary of Jesus Christ, despite threats and attacks several Iraqi Christians have faced over the past few weeks, most severe which had been a bloody attack by a group of terrorists on “My Lady of Salvation” Church in central Baghdad about two months ago, that killed and injured dozens of Christian worshippers and Iraqi security men. SK (A) / SKH 63