Friday, September 20, 2024


Analyst warns from deterioration of conditions in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region:

ARBIL / A political analyst on Saturday warned from the seriousness of the deterioration of the conditions in north Iraq‘s Kurdistan Region, calling on a dialogue between the Region’s ruling power and the opposition, in order to put an end for tension and instability in the Region. Another analyist said that the demonstration that took place in the city over the past 48 hours “has changed into violence and mobs, who allowed certain groups to sneak into the demonstration, in order to undermine the security situation in Kurdistan Region.” The political writer and observer, Ribin Rasoul, in a statement to news agency, described the current situation in Kurdistan Region as “bad,” warning from the “escalation of violence that might lead to a more serious situation, in the event of rejection to carry out a dialogue to settle the current problems in the Region.” “The incidents and tension that took place in Sulaimaniya city, where several victims have fallen, had been result for the confusion,witnessed between the authorities and the opposition during the past few months and refusal to siet on one table to settle the current problems,” Rasoul said. Hundreds of demonstraters have gone to the streets in Sulaimaniya city on Thursday, demanding the improvement of the service and living standards, fighting corruption and carrying out political reforms, where at least one person was killed and over 50 persons have been injured, according to official figures, following shooting that took place in front of the headquarters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in the city, where the demonstraters gathered. The Kurdistan Democratic Party, led by Kurdistan President, Massoud Barzani and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), led by Iraqi President, Jalal Talabani, are the main two parties ruling north Iraq‘s Kurdistan Region, comprising its capital of Arabil and the Kurdish provinces of Sulaimaniya and Dohuk. “The situation looks to be morre serious, due to the absence of stability and masses anger,” Rasoul said, adding that the demonstration that took place in Sulaimaniya on Thursday had changed its corse towards the KDP’s headquarters, where some youth attacked it, thing that caused its guards to open fire on the demonstraters.” Rasoul denied that “the said incidents hide certain agendas behind them,” adding: “it is wrong to accuse the young men with having been behind such agenda, because they demand an end for corruption in state institutions and parties, along with requesting the improvement of the conditions in Kurdistan Region.” He called on the Region’s government to “deal cautiously with its citizens, especially in Sulaimaniya, because the area differs from other areas, necessitating the use of wisdom and not bullets.” Sulaimaniya city witnessing tension, with the spread of security bodies, police forces and Peshmergas (Kurdish forces), trying to impose security and prevent the renewal of tension, at a time where dozens of young people have demonstrated  on Friday evening in al-Sarai Square at the center of the city, whilst sucurity forces used water to evacuate the square from them, whilst shop owners in the city have closed their shops, fearing from further deterioration of the security situation. On his part, the Writer and Media man, Kifah Mahmoud, said: “the right of demonstration is supported by the law, and we have a democratic system, whilst the demonstrations that took place (in Sulaimaniya) have been an expression of opinion, before it developed into tension.” “But when the demonstration was changed into violence and mobs, by certain groups that sneaked into it, it couldn’t be described as a ‘demonstration,” he said, addingt that “certain groups, belonging to Iraq‘s former ruling (Baath) regime are exploiting the youth an pushing them to carry out corrupt acts, lean to violence to achieve their inte