Friday, September 20, 2024


Trade exchange between Iraq and China surpasses $48 billion in 2022

 Trade exchange between Iraq and China surpasses $48 billion in 2022

The Chinese national flag. Photo: Reuters

Baghdad ( – The spokesperson of the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Al-Sahaf, confirmed on Saturday that the trade exchange with China exceeded $48 billion in 2022.

Al-Sahaf mentioned in a statement that the Iraqi Foreign Ministry and the Chinese side are celebrating on Sunday 65 years of bilateral relations between both countries.

The Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson revealed that the trade exchange between the two countries was worth more than $48.5 billion in 2022.

Al-Sahaf elaborated that the diplomatic representation between the two countries started in August 1958, when the Chinese and Iraqi governments decided to establish bilateral diplomatic relations at the level of ambassadors.

During a meeting held this month with the Iraqi President, Abdul Latif Rashid, the Chinese Ambassador to Iraq, Cui Wei, clarified that China is eager to develop and build distinguished relations with Iraq based on their existing historical relations.

Wei added that many Chinese companies carry out important projects, and thousands of Chinese workers and engineers work in Iraq.

The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) announced in March that it was communicating with Chinese banks to use the Chinese yuan in foreign trade.