Sunday, September 22, 2024


Turkish premier opens consulate in Arbil

ARBIL / Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan inaugurated his country’s consulate in the city of Arbil, in addition to two banks. “This is a historic day for the Iraqi people, Kurds, Arabs and Assyrians,” Erdogan said in the opening ceremony, noting that Turkey gives 500 visas to Iraqis and we consider canceling this visa. Erdogan had arrived in Baghdad on Monday (March 28), where he received a red carpet welcome, on a visit Iraq hopes will boost trade and overcome differences. Erdogan, who arrived with Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and a delegation of several dozen businessmen, was received on his second visit to Baghdad since October 2009 by Nouri al-Maliki, his Iraqi counterpart. Turkey has been a major investor in Iraq. It has invested in the gas sector, is a key conduit for Iraqi oil exports through its port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean, and provides much-needed electricity. Turkish Airlines is one of a handful of international carriers with scheduled flights to Baghdad. A senior Turkish official with the business delegation said Turkey hoped that bilateral trade would rise from US$7.5 billion last year to $10 billion this year. SH (TP) 648