Tuesday, September 24, 2024


U.S. Congress calls on Barzani to present another initiative to solve Iraq’s current political crisis.

ARBIL / IraqiNews.com: A U.S. Congress Delegation, now on a visit to Arbil, has called on Kurdistan Region’s President, Massoud Barzani, to present a new initiative to settle Iraq ’s current political crisis, the Region’s website announced on Monday.   “Barzani has received in Arbil’s Salahaddin Resort on Sunday evening a U.S. Congress Delegation, including Senator John McCain, to discuss the current political crisis in Iraq , confirming that the Delegation had called on Barzani to present a new initiative to settle the current crisis, confronting the political process in Iraq ,” the site stressed.   On his part, Barzani had reiterated to “exert efforts to bring viewpoints close among different Iraqi political parties,” the site added.   Kurdistan President, Massoud Barzani, had launched an initiative on 16/9/2010, to settle the political crisis and achieve the formation of a government of national-partnership, which had succeeded to bring together the representatives of different political blocs, who agreed to form a government of national-partnership, as well as the settlement of the three leading presidencies and the proposed National Council for Strategic Policies (NCSP).   Differences have taken place since more than 3 months to settle the candidates for security cabinet posts that are still vacant, especially the Interior and Defense Ministers posts, with the first being the share of the National Coalition and the second of al-Iraqiya Coalition, with each side rejecting the candidate of the other.   The Parliament had granted trust on 21/12/2010 to the new Iraqi cabinet, including 42 ministries, among them 12 ministries of state, with Maliki keeping the administrations of Interior, Defense and National Security under his control, on “acting” base, pending the final assignment of the ministers by the political blocs. SKH (RT)