Tuesday, September 24, 2024


HABITAT Hands Over Arbil Expansion Plan

ARBIL / IraqiNews.com: UN HABITAT organization handed over to the government of Kurdistan the strategy plan to enlarge Arbil city within 5 years, and building 75 thousand housing units.   Executive official of the organization Joun Clos stated to journalists, IraqiNews.com among them, stressed the importance of this strategy which was prepared by HABITAT in collaboration with competent authorities in Kurdistan government.   Kurdish minister of planning Al-Al-Sindi pointed out that ” the security stability and economic growth had greater effect in expanding Arbil city, which needs building 7000 housing units annually, while this study stated the need to build 14 thousand housing units per annum”.   Minister of Municipalities in Kurdistan Sameer Abdulla told IraqiNews.com that his ministry will study the plan, whether it conforms with the present situation of Arbil city, “but we will give it greater attention because it was made on scientific and vocational bases”. 497