Friday, September 20, 2024


Necessity to organize the Kurdish home

ARBIL / A representative from the two Kurdish ruling parties said that the 5-party meeting resulted in “organizing the Kurdish home,” pointing out that next Wednesday will be a date to resume talks with opposition parties. Member of the Kurdistan National Party Sa’di Ahmed Pira said in joint conference with the 5-party organs, attended by, that the two ruling parties submitted a paper containing 17 points, in addition to another paper submitted by the opposition parties to be added to their previous 20-point paper. “There are shared points contained in both papers,” he disclosed. A Kurdish Islamic Federation Politburo member, representative of the opposition parties, stated that “the parties stressed the necessity to stop follow-ups and detentions against the citizens and provide a better atmosphere to support the freedom of press in the region.”   Abu Bakr Kawani added that “the political and administrative reforms are the main demands, because it is important to the opposition parties to make a road map to rectify the situations in Kurdistan.” The three opposition parties (Change, Islamic Federation and Islamic Group) submitted a paper for political reform to the Kurdistan government containing 22 points, in addition to unilateral with the two main parties, but negotiations were suspended when Peshmerga forces entered Sulaimaninya town and adjacent areas that led to ending the demonstrations, that lasted 62 days,  with force. Arbil, the capital of Iraq Kurdistan region, lies 350 km north of the capital, Baghdad.   RM (TI)/SR 573