Friday, September 20, 2024


Iranian force penetrates Iraqi territories in Kurdistan Region

ARBIL / An Iranian Army force which penetrated Iraq’s border areas in the northern Kurdistan Region on Sunday night to pursue Iranian Kurdish elements, opposed to Tehran’s regime, are still in these territories until Monday afternoon, a Kurdistan Border Forces Command source said.   “An Iranian force had penetrated on Sunday night for a distance of 2-3 km inside Iraqi territories in Barqarisht area on Qandil Mountains on the borders with Iran, under the pretext of chasing elements the anti-Tehran Kurdish armed group ‘PJAK,” he said.   The Iraqi Kurdish source said that “the Iranian force is still stationed at the same positions it penetrated into on Sunday, following clashes between both sides.”   Noteworthy is that Iraqi’s Kurdistan border territories, neighboring Iran and Turkey have been targets for Turkish and Iranian bombardment, under pretext of attacking the anti-Tehran PJAK and the anti-Ankara Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), charged by Iran to be taking refuge in those areas.   SKH (TI)/ 1122