Friday, September 20, 2024


Arbil demo protests Iranian bombardment

ARBIL / Hundreds of civil activists have launched a demonstration in front of Iran’s Consulate in Arbil on Tuesday, condemning the continued Iranian bombardment of the border villages in Iraqi Kurdistan, criticizing the Iraqi government’s silence towards violations against human rights, a Kurdish activist said.   “About 400 civil activists have demonstrated in front of the Iranian Consulate in Arbil, demanding an immediate stop to the Iranian bombardment of Kurdistan’s border areas. The demand that the Federal government in Baghdad interfere to put an end to such violations,” Surour Mohammed told news agency.   Surour Mohammed said that the demonstrators have also “criticized the silence of Baghdad‘s government up until now, and its failure to announce any official position towards the Iranian bombardment.” “The aggressive act is a violation of human rights, international resolutions and an undermining of Iraq’s sovereignty,” Surour noted.    Iraq’s border areas in Kurdistan Region, close to the Iranian and Turkish borders, had been targets of Turkish air strikes and Iranian artillery bombardment, under justification of attacking the anti-Tehran PJAK forces and the ant-Ankara Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in the area.   SKH (TI)/SR 794