Friday, September 20, 2024


Barzani condemns Turkish bombardment of Kurdistan areas

ARBIL / The President of northern Iraq’s Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani, has expressed anger and condemnation for the Turkish air raids on border areas in Kurdistan Region, that killed 7 Kurdish citizens on Sunday.   The Turkish warplanes have been carrying air raids against Kurdistan’s border areas, under justification of chasing elements of the anti-Ankara Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), forcing large numbers of citizens of those areas to desert their home villages, including an air raid that killed 7 of them in a village north of Kurdistan’s Sulaimaniya city on Sunday.   “The Turkish air raids on the border areas of Kurdistan Region, that had targeted its citizens, has no justification,” Barzani said in a statement, copy of which was received by news agency on Monday, calling on Turkey “not to repeat such acts again.”   Several areas of Arbil and Dohuk Provinces had witnessed Turkish air attacks over the past 2 days against possible PKK positions, charged by the Turkish Army to have killed and injured 30 Turkish soldiers.   SKH (TI)/SR 646