Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Call to stop Turkish attacks – Kurdistan parliament

ARBIL / Speaker of Kurdistan parliament called upon the Turkish government today to stop its attacks onKurdistan region, pointing out that the parliament will study, within the coming days, holding a special session on the subject.   Speaker Kamal Karkuki said in a press conference today that that the Turkish jet planes are attacking areas in Kurdistan, which need to be denounced.   He called on the Turkish government to resort to dialogue to solve this problem.   “In the name of the parliament , we denounce these bombings and call upon the Turkish government to immediately stop them,” he confirmed.   He asked the federal government and Iraqi parliament to adopt a “decisive” stand on this question, not only issuing condemnation statements.   Karkuki added that there are “serious attempts to end this situation with the aim of good friendly relations with neighboring countries.” 429