Tuesday, September 24, 2024


50 NGOs demand Barzani stop Kurdistan’s bombardment

ARBIL / IraqiNews.com: About 50 Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have demanded the President of North Iraq’s Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barzani, to exert efforts to stop the Turkish and Iranian bombardment of the border villages in Iraqi Kurdistan, according to a Presidential statement issued in Arbil Province.   “The Kurdistan Region’s President, Massoud Barzani, had received a delegation representing the Civil Society Organizations, including 50 NGOs, that demanded he immediately request a cease and desist of the Iranian and Turkish bombardment of Kurdistan’s border areas,” the statement, as was received by IraqiNews.com news agency, reported.   It stressed that the delegation “had presented a coverage of the goals and activities of the campaign, acting in a civilized manner, to launch pressure on Iran and Turkey, to stop their military offensives on the border areas of Kurdistan, calling on its President to exert efforts to stop those offensives.”   On his part, Barzani had “condemned the Iranian and Turkish bombardment of the border areas of Kurdistan Region,” confirming that “his Presidency had continued to exert efforts, through political, diplomatic channels and through Regional and International Organizations, to stop the bombardment of the border areas.”   The Iranian bombardment of Iraqi Kurdistan’s border areas had continued since more than 2 months, whilst the Turkish bombardment entered its 2nd week, killing and injuring many civilians and causing damage for dozens of houses and agricultural fields. SKH (TI)/SR 565