Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Call to press Iraq stop “aggression”, threat to boycott Iranian commodities, civil activist

ARBIL / IraqiNews.com: Civil activist Hana’ Adwar called upon the Iraqi government to press the Iranian government to stop its “aggressions” against Iraq, threatening to boycott Iranian goods and commodities. Adwar is a member in the coordination committee for NGO national initiative in Iraq. Adwar told IraqiNews.com following a visit to the border areas under Iranian bombardment, that she met immigrant families who were “in bad conditions”, stressing that “the assistance is limited and the children are living in difficult milieu”. On the presence of PJAK forces in the area, Adwar stated “nothing strange we found in the area. We did not see them, except the families and border guards”. Adwar, who heads Iraqi Hope Society, threatened to boycott Iranian goods if the aggression continued, as well as cutting off Wind River waters. Kurdish border villages are under daily Iranian bombardments under the pretext of following up anti-Iranian  PJAK members   RM (TS)/SR 476